"As the Car Rolls From Point a to Point B, How Much Work Is Done by Friction?"

Problem 1

In one day, a 75kg mountain climber ascends from the 1500m level on a vertical cliff to the top at 2400 m. The next day, she descends from the top to the base of the cliff, which is at an elevation of 1350 m. What is her change in gravitational potential energy (a) on the first day and (b) on the second day?

Ben N.

Problem 2

The maximum height a typical human can jump from a crouched start is about 60 cm. By how much does the gravitational potential energy increase for a 72kg person in such a jump? Where does this energy come from?

Hazhar R.

Hazhar R.

Numerade Educator

Problem 3

A 90.0-kg mail bag hangs by a vertical rope 3.5 m long. A postal worker then displaces the bag to a position 2.0 m sideways from its original position, always keeping the rope taut. (a) What horizontal force is necessary to hold the bag in the new position? (b) As the bag is moved to this position, how much work is done (i) by the rope and (ii) by the worker?

Ben N.

Problem 4

The $food \, calorie$, equal to 4186 J, is a measure of how much energy is released when the body metabolizes food. A certain fruitandcereal bar contains 140 food calories. (a) If a 65kg hiker eats one bar, how high a mountain must he climb to "work off" the calories, assuming that all the food energy goes into increasing gravitational potential energy? (b) If, as is typical, only 20% of the food calories go into mechanical energy, what would be the answer to part (a)? ($Note$: In this and all other problems, we are assuming that 100% of the food calories that are eaten are absorbed and used by the body. This is not true. A person's "metabolic efficiency" is the percentage of calories eaten that are actually used; the body eliminates the rest. Metabolic efficiency varies considerably from person to person.)

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 5

A baseball is thrown from the roof of a 22.0-m-tall building with an initial velocity of magnitude 12.0 m/s and directed at an angle of 53.1$^\circ$ above the horizontal. (a) What is the speed of the ball just before it strikes the ground? Use energy methods and ignore air resistance. (b) What is the answer for part (a) if the initial velocity is at an angle of 53.1$^\circ$ $below$ the horizontal? (c) If the effects of air resistance are included, will part (a) or (b) give the higher speed?

Ben N.

Problem 6

A crate of mass $M$ starts from rest at the top of a frictionless ramp inclined at an angle $\alpha$ above the horizontal. Find its speed at the bottom of the ramp, a distance $d$ from where it started. Do this in two ways: Take the level at which the potential energy is zero to be (a) at the bottom of the ramp with $y$ positive upward, and (b) at the top of the ramp with y positive upward. (c) Why didn't the normal force enter into your solution?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 7

For its size, the common flea is one of the most accomplished jumpers in the animal world. A 2.0-mm-long, 0.50-mg flea can reach a height of 20 cm in a single leap. (a) Ignoring air drag, what is the takeoff speed of such a flea? (b) Calculate the kinetic energy of this flea at takeoff and its kinetic energy per kilogram of mass. (c) If a 65-kg, 2.0-m-tall human could jump to the same height compared with his length as the flea jumps compared with its length, how high could the human jump, and what takeoff speed would the man need? (d) Most humans can jump no more than 60 cm from a crouched start. What is the kinetic energy per kilogram of mass at takeoff for such a 65-kg person? (e) Where does the flea store the energy that allows it to make sudden leaps?

Ben N.

Problem 8

The maximum energy that a bone can absorb without breaking depends on characteristics such as its cross-sectional area and elasticity. For healthy human leg bones of approximately 6.0 cm$^2$ cross-sectional area, this energy has been experimentally measured to be about 200 J. (a) From approximately what maximum height could a 60-kg person jump and land rigidly upright on both feet without breaking his legs? (b) You are probably surprised at how small the answer to part (a) is. People obviously jump from much greater heights without breaking their legs. How can that be? What else absorbs the energy when they jump from greater heights? ($Hint$: How did the person in part (a) land? How do people normally land when they jump from greater heights?) (c) Why might older people be much more prone than younger ones to bone fractures from simple falls (such as a fall in the shower)?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 9

A small rock with mass 0.20 kg is released from rest at point A, which is at the
top edge of a large, hemispherical bowl with radius $R =$ 0.50 m ($\textbf{Fig. E7.9}$). Assume that the size of the rock is small compared to $R$, so that the rock can be treated as a particle, and assume that the rock slides rather than rolls. The work done by friction on the rock when it moves from point $A$ to point $B$ at the bottom of the bowl has magnitude 0.22 J. (a) Between points $A$ and $B$, how much work is done on the rock by (i) the normal force and (ii) gravity? (b) What is the speed of the rock as it reaches point $B$? (c) Of the three forces acting on the rock as it slides down the bowl, which (if any) are constant and which are not? Explain. (d) Just as the rock reaches point $B$, what is the normal force on it due to the bottom of the bowl?

Ben N.

Problem 10

Energy bar graphs and free-body diagrams for Throcky skateboarding down a ramp with friction.

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 11

You are testing a new amusement park roller coaster with an empty car of mass 120 kg. One part of the track is a vertical loop with radius 12.0 m. At the bottom of the loop (point $A$) the car has speed 25.0 m/s, and at the top of the loop (point $B$) it has speed 8.0 m/s. As the car rolls from point $A$ to point $B$, how much work is done by friction?

Ben N.

Problem 12

Tarzan, in one tree, sights Jane in another tree. He grabs the end of a vine with length 20 m that makes an angle of 45$^\circ$ with the vertical, steps off his tree limb, and swings down and then up to Jane's open arms. When he arrives, his vine makes an angle of 30$^\circ$ with the vertical. Determine whether he gives her a tender embrace or knocks her off her limb by calculating Tarzan's speed just before he reaches Jane. Ignore air resistance and the mass of the vine.

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 13

A 10.0-kg microwave oven is pushed 6.00 m up the sloping surface of a loading ramp inclined at an angle of 36.9$^\circ$ above the horizontal, by a constant force $\overrightarrow{F}$ with a magnitude 110 N and acting parallel to the ramp. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the oven and the ramp is 0.250. (a) What is the work done on the oven by the force $\overrightarrow{F}$? (b) What is the work done on the oven by the friction force? (c) Compute the increase in potential energy for the oven. (d) Use your answers to parts (a), (b), and (c) to calculate the increase in the oven's kinetic energy. (e) Use $\sum \overrightarrow{F} = m\overrightarrow{a}$ to calculate the oven's acceleration. Assuming that the oven is initially at rest, use the acceleration to calculate the oven's speed after the oven has traveled 6.00 m. From this, compute the increase in the oven's kinetic energy, and compare it to your answerfor part (d).

Ben N.

Problem 14

An ideal spring of negligible mass is 12.00 cm long when nothing is attached to it. When you hang a 3.15-kg weight from it, you measure its length to be 13.40 cm. If you wanted to store 10.0 J of potential energy in this spring, what would be its $total$ length? Assume that it continues to obey Hooke's law.

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 15

A force of 520 N keeps a certain spring stretched a distance of 0.200 m. (a) What is the potential energy of the spring when it is stretched 0.200 m? (b) What is its potential energy when it is compressed 5.00 cm?

Ben N.

Problem 16

Tendons are strong elastic fibers that attach muscles to bones. To a reasonable approximation, they obey Hooke's law. In laboratory tests on a particular tendon, it was found that, when a 250-g object was hung from it, the tendon stretched 1.23 cm. (a) Find the force constant of this tendon in N/m. (b) Because of its thickness, the maximum tension this tendon can support without rupturing is 138 N. By how much can the tendon stretch without rupturing, and how much energy is stored in it at that point?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 17

A spring stores potential energy $U_0$ when it is compressed a distance $x_0$ from its uncompressed length. (a) In terms of $U_0$, how much energy does the spring store when it is compressed (i) twice as much and (ii) half as much? (b) In terms of $x_0$, how much must the spring be compressed from its uncompressed length to store (i) twice as much energy and (ii) half as much energy?

Ben N.

Problem 18

A slingshot will shoot a 10-g pebble 22.0 m straight up. (a) How much potential energy is stored in the slingshot's rubber band? (b) With the same potential energy stored in the rubber band, how high can the slingshot shoot a 25-g pebble? (c) What physical effects did you ignore in solving this problem?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 19

A spring of negligible mass has force constant $k =$ 800 N/m. (a) How far must the spring be compressed for 1.20 J of potential energy to be stored in it? (b) You place the spring vertically with one end on the floor. You then lay a 1.60-kg book on top of the spring and release the book from rest. Find the maximum distance the spring will be compressed.

Ben N.

Problem 20

A 1.20-kg piece of cheese is placed on a vertical spring of negligible mass and force constant $k =$ 1800 N/m that is compressed 15.0 cm. When the spring is released, how high does the cheese rise from this initial position? (The cheese and the springare $not$ attached.)

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 21

A spring of negligible mass has force constant $k =$ 1600 N/m. (a) How far must the spring be compressed for 3.20 J of potential energy to be stored in it? (b) You place the spring vertically with one end on the floor. You then drop a 1.20-kg book onto it from a height of 0.800 m above the top of the spring. Find the maximum distance the spring will be compressed.

Ben N.

Problem 22

(a) For the elevator of Example 7.9 (Section 7.2), what is the speed of the elevator after it has moved downward 1.00 m from point 1 in Fig. 7.17? (b) When the elevator is 1.00 m below point 1 in Fig. 7.17, what is its acceleration?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 23

A 2.50-kg mass is pushed against a horizontal spring of force constant 25.0 N/cm on a frictionless air table. The spring is attached to the tabletop, and the mass is not attached to the spring in any way. When the spring has been compressed enough to store 11.5 J of potential energy in it, the mass is suddenly released from rest. (a) Find the greatest speed the mass reaches. When does this occur? (b) What is the greatest acceleration of the mass, and when does it occur?

Ben N.

Problem 24

A 2.50-kg block on a horizontal floor is attached to a horizontal spring that is initially compressed 0.0300 m. The spring has force constant 840 N/m. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the floor and the block is $\mu_k =$ 0.40. The block and spring are released from rest, and the block slides along the floor. What is the speed of the block when it has moved a distance of 0.0200 m from its initial position? (At this point the spring is compressed 0.0100 m.)

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 25

You are asked to design a spring that will give a 1160-kg satellite a speed of 2.50 m/s relative to an orbiting space shuttle. Your spring is to give the satellite a maximum acceleration of 5.00g. The spring's mass, the recoil kinetic energy of the shuttle, and changes in gravitational potential energy will all be negligible. (a) What must the force constant of the spring be? (b) What distance must the spring be compressed?

Ben N.

Problem 26

A 75-kg roofer climbs a vertical 7.0-m ladder to the flat roof of a house. He then walks 12 m on the roof, climbs down another vertical 7.0-m ladder, and finally walks on the ground back to his starting point. How much work is done on him by gravity (a) as he climbs up; (b) as he climbs down; (c) as he walks on the roof and on the ground? (d) What is the total work done on him by gravity during this round trip? (e) On the basis of your answer to part (d), would you say that gravity is a conservative or nonconservative force? Explain.

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 27

A 0.60-kg book slides on a horizontal table. The kinetic friction force on the book has magnitude 1.8 N. (a) How much work is done on the book by friction during a displacement of 3.0 m to the left? (b) The book now slides 3.0 m to the right, returning to its starting point. During this second 3.0-m displacement, how much work is done on the book by friction? (c) What is the total work done on the book by friction during the complete round trip? (d) On the basis of your answer to part (c), would you say that the friction force is conservative or nonconservative? Explain.

Ben N.

Problem 28

In an experiment, one of the forces exerted on a proton is $\overrightarrow{F}$ $= -a x^2 \hat{\imath}$, where $\alpha = 12 \mathrm{N/m}^2$. (a) How much work does $\overrightarrow{F}$ do when the proton moves along the straight-line path from the point (0.10 m, 0) to the point (0.10 m, 0.40 m)? (b) Along the straight-line path from the point (0.10 m, 0) to the point (0.30 m, 0)? (c) Along the straight-line path from the point (0.30 m, 0) to the point (0.10 m, 0)? (d) Is the force $\overrightarrow{F}$ conservative? Explain. If $\overrightarrow{F}$ is conservative, what is the potential-energy function for it? Let $U =$ 0 when $x =$ 0.

Salamat A.

Salamat A.

Numerade Educator

Problem 29

A 62.0-kg skier is moving at 6.50 m/s on a frictionless, horizontal, snow-covered plateau when she encounters a rough patch 4.20 m long. The coefficient of kinetic friction between this patch and her skis is 0.300. After crossing the rough patch and returning to friction-free snow, she skis down an icy, frictionless hill 2.50 m high. (a) How fast is the skier moving when she gets to the bottom of the hill? (b) How much internal energy was generated in crossing the rough patch?

Guilherme B.

Guilherme B.

Numerade Educator

Problem 30

While a roofer is working on a roof that slants at 36$^\circ$ above the horizontal, he accidentally nudges his 85.0-N toolbox, causing it to start sliding downward from rest. If it starts 4.25 m from the lower edge of the roof, how fast will the toolbox be moving just as it reaches the edge of the roof if the kinetic friction force on it is 22.0 N?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 31

A force parallel to the $x$-axis acts on a particle moving along the x-axis. This force produces potential energy $U(x)$ given by $U(x) = \alpha x^4$, where $\alpha =$ 0.630 J/m$^4$. What is the force (magnitude and direction) when the particle is at $x = -0.800$ m?

Ben N.

Problem 32

The potential energy of a pair of hydrogen atoms separated by a large distance $x$ is given by $U(x) = -C_6/x^6$, where $C_6$ is a positive constant. What is the force that one atom exerts on the other? Is this force attractive or repulsive?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 33

A small block with mass 0.0400 kg is moving in the $xy$-plane. The net force on the block is described by the potentialenergy function $U(x, y) = (5.80 \, \mathrm{J/m}^2)x^2 - (3.60 \, \mathrm{J/m}^3)y^3$. What are the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the block when it is at the point ($x =$ 0.300 m, $y =$ 0.600 m)?

Ben N.

Problem 34

An object moving in the $xy$-plane is acted on by a conservative force described by the potential-energy function $U(x, y) = \alpha[(1/x^2) + (1/y^2)]$, where a is a positive constant. Derive an expression for the force expressed in terms of the unit vectors $\hat{\imath}$ and $\hat{\jmath}$.

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 35

The potential energy of two atoms in a diatomic molecule is approximated by $U(r) = (a/r^{12}) - (b/r^6)$, where $r$ is the spacing between atoms and $a$ and $b$ are positive constants. (a) Find the force $F(r)$ on one atom as a function of $r$. Draw two graphs: one of $U(r)$ versus $r$ and one of $F(r)$ versus $r$. (b) Find the equilibrium distance between the two atoms. Is this equilibrium stable? (c) Suppose the distance between the two atoms is equal to the equilibrium distance found in part (b). What minimum energy must be added to the molecule to $dissociate$ it$-$that is, to separate the two atoms to an infinite distance apart? This is called the $dissociation$ $energy$ of the molecule. (d) For the molecule CO,
the equilibrium distance between the carbon and oxygen atoms is 1.13 $\times$ 10$^{-10}$ m and the dissociation energy is 1.54 $\times$ 10$^{-18}$ J per molecule. Find the values of the constants $a$ and $b$.

Ben N.

Problem 36

A marble moves along the $x$-axis. The potential-energy function is shown in $\textbf{Fig. E7.36}$. (a) At which of the labeled $x$-coordinates is the force on the
marble zero? (b) Which of the labeled $x$-coordinates is a position of stable equilibrium? (c) Which of the labeled $x$-coordinates is a position of unstable equilibrium?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 37

At a construction site, a 65.0-kg bucket of concrete hangs from a light (but strong) cable that passes over a light, friction-free pulley and is connected to an 80.0-kg box on a horizontal roof ($\textbf{Fig. P7.37}$). The cable pulls horizontally on the box, and a 50.0-kg bag of gravel rests on top of the box. The coefficients of friction between the box and roof are shown. (a) Find the friction force on the bag of gravel and on the box. (b) Suddenly a worker picks up the bag of gravel. Use energy conservation to find the speed of the bucket after it has descended 2.00 m from rest. (Use Newton's laws to check your answer.)

Ben N.

Problem 38

Two blocks with different masses are attached to either end of a light rope that passes over a light, frictionless pulley suspended from the ceiling. The masses are released from rest, and the more massive one starts to descend. After this block has descended 1.20 m, its speed is 3.00 m/s. If the total mass of the two blocks is 22.0 kg, what is the mass of each block?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 39

A block with mass 0.50 kg is forced against a horizontal spring of negligible mass, compressing the spring a distance of 0.20 m ($\textbf{Fig. P7.39}$). When released, the block moves on a horizontal tabletop for 1.00 m before coming to rest. The force constant $k$ is 100 N/m. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction $\mu_k$ between the block and the tabletop?

Ben N.

Problem 40

A 2.00-kg block is pushed against a spring with negligible mass and force constant $k = 400$ N/m, compressing it 0.220 m. When the block is released, it moves along a frictionless, horizontal surface and then up a frictionless incline with slope 37.0$^\circ$ ($\textbf{Fig. P7.40}$). (a) What is the speed of the block as it slides along the horizontal surface after having left the spring? (b) How far does the block travel up the incline before starting to slide back down?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 41

A 350-kg roller coaster car starts from rest at point $A$ and slides down a frictionless loop-the-loop ($\textbf{Fig. P7.41}$). (a) How fast is this roller coaster car moving at point $B$? (b) How hard does it press against the track at point $B$?

Ben N.

Problem 42

A car in an amusement park ride rolls without friction around a track ($\textbf{Fig. P7.42}$). The car starts from rest at point $A$ at a height $h$ above the bottom of the loop. Treat the car as a particle. (a) What is the minimum value of $h$ (in terms of $R$) such that the car moves around the loop without falling off at the top (point $B$)? (b) If $h =$ 3.50$R$ and $R =$ 14.0 m, compute the speed, radial acceleration, and tangential acceleration of the passengers when the car is at point $C$, which is at the end of a horizontal diameter. Show these acceleration components in a diagram, approximately to scale.

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 43

A 2.0-kg piece of wood slides on a curved surface ($\textbf{Fig. P7.43}$). The sides of the surface are perfectly smooth, but the rough horizontal bottom is 30 m long and has a kinetic friction coefficient of 0.20 with the wood. The piece of wood starts from rest 4.0 m above the rough bottom. (a) Where will this wood eventually come to rest? (b) For the motion from the initial release until the piece of wood comes to rest, what is the total amount of work done by friction?

Ben N.

Problem 44

A 28-kg rock approaches the foot of a hill with a speed of 15 m/s. This hill slopes upward at a constant angle of 40.0$^\circ$ above the horizontal. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction between the hill and the rock are 0.75 and 0.20, respectively. (a) Use energy conservation to find the maximum height above the foot of the hill reached by the rock. (b) Will the rock remain at rest at its highest point, or will it slide back down the hill? (c) If the rock does slide back down, find its speed when it returns to the bottom of the hill.

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 45

A 15.0-kg stone slides down a snow-covered hill ($\textbf{Fig. P7.45}$), leaving point $A$ at a speed of 10.0 m/s. There is no friction on the hill between points $A$ and $B$, but there is friction on the level ground at the bottom of the hill, between $B$ and the wall. After entering the rough horizontal region, the stone travels 100 m and then runs into a very long, light spring with force constant 2.00 N/m. The coefficients of kinetic and static friction between the stone and the horizontal ground are 0.20 and 0.80, respectively. (a) What is the speed of the stone when it reaches point $B$? (b) How far will the stone compress the spring? (c) Will the stone move again after it has been stopped by the spring?

Ben N.

Problem 46

A 2.8-kg block slides over the smooth, icy hill shown in $\textbf{Fig. P7.46}$. The top of the hill is horizontal and 70 m higher than its base. What minimum speed must the block have at the base of the 70-m hill to pass over the pit at the far (righthand) side of that hill?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 47

A bungee cord is 30.0 m long and, when stretched a distance $x$, it exerts a restoring force of magnitude $kx$. Your father-in-law (mass 95.0 kg) stands on a platform 45.0 m above the ground, and one end of the cord is tied securely to his ankle and the other end to the platform. You have promised him that when he steps off the platform he will fall a maximum distance of only 41.0 m before the cord stops him. You had several bungee cords to select from, and you tested them by stretching them out, tying one end to a tree, and pulling on the other end with a force of 380.0 N. When you do this, what distance will the bungee cord that you should select have stretched?

Ben N.

Problem 48

You are designing a delivery ramp for crates containing exercise equipment. The 1470-N crates will move at 1.8 m/s at the top of a ramp that slopes downward at 22.0$^\circ$. The ramp exerts a 515-N kinetic friction force on each crate, and the maximum static friction force also has this value. Each crate will compress a spring at the bottom of the ramp and will come to rest after traveling a total distance of 5.0 m along the ramp. Once stopped, a crate must not rebound back up the ramp. Calculate the largest force constant of the spring that will be needed to meet the design criteria.

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 49

The Great Sandini is a 60-kg circus performer who is shot from a cannon (actually a spring gun). You don't find many men of his caliber, so you help him design a new gun. This new gun has a very large spring with a very small mass and a force constant of 1100 N/m that he will compress with a force of 4400 N. The inside of the gun barrel is coated with Teflon, so the average friction force will be only 40 N during the 4.0 m he moves in the barrel. At what speed will he emerge from the end of the barrel, 2.5 m above his initial rest position?

Ben N.

Problem 50

A 1500-kg rocket is to be launched with an initial upward speed of 50.0 m/s. In
order to assist its engines, the engineers will start it from rest on a ramp that rises 53$^\circ$ above the horizontal ($\textbf{Fig. P7.50}$). At the bottom, the ramp turns
upward and launches the rocket vertically. The engines provide a constant forward thrust of 2000 N, and friction with the ramp surface is a constant 500 N. How far from the base of the ramp should the rocket start, as measured along the surface of
the ramp?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 51

A system of two paint buckets connected by a lightweight rope is released from rest
with the 12.0-kg bucket 2.00 m above the floor ($\textbf{Fig. P7.51}$). Use the principle of conservation of energy to find the speed with which this bucket strikes the floor. Ignore friction and the mass of the pulley.

Ben N.

Problem 52

These results are from a computer simulation for a batted baseball with mass 0.145 kg, including air resistance:

How much work did the air do on the baseball (a) as the ball moved from its initial position to its maximum height, and (b) as the ball moved from its maximum height back to the starting elevation? (c) Explain why the magnitude of the answer in part (b) is smaller than the magnitude of the answer in part (a).

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 53

A 0.300-kg potato is tied to a string with length 2.50 m, and the other end of the string is tied to a rigid support. The potato is held straight out horizontally from the point of support, with the string pulled taut, and is then released. (a) What is the speed of the potato at the lowest point of its motion? (b) What is the tension in the string at this point?

Ben N.

Problem 54

A 60.0-kg skier starts from rest at the top of a ski slope 65.0 m high. (a) If friction forces do $-$10.5 kJ of work on her as she descends, how fast is she going at the bottom of the slope? (b) Now moving horizontally, the skier crosses a patch of soft snow where $\mu_k$ = 0.20. If the patch is 82.0 m wide and the average force of air resistance on the skier is 160 N, how fast is she going after crossing the patch? (c) The skier hits a snowdrift and penetrates 2.5 m into it before coming to a stop. What is the average force exerted on her by the snowdrift as it stops her?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 55

A skier starts at the top of a very large, frictionless snowball, with a very small initial speed, and skis straight down the side ($\textbf{Fig. P7.55}$). At what point does she lose contact with the snowball and fly off at a tangent? That is, at the instant she loses contact with the snowball, what angle $\alpha$ does a radial line from the center of the snowball to the skier make with the vertical?

Ben N.

Problem 56

A ball is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 15 m/s at an angle of 60.0$^\circ$ above the horizontal. Use energy conservation to find the ball's greatest height above the ground.

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 57

In a truck-loading station at a post office, a small 0.200-kg package is released from rest at point A on a track that is onequarter of a circle with radius 1.60 m ($\textbf{Fig. P7.57}$). The size of the package is much less than 1.60 m, so the package can be treated as a particle. It slides down the track and reaches point $B$ with a speed of 4.80 m/s. From point $B$, it slides on a level surface a distance of 3.00 m to point $C$, where it comes to rest. (a) What is the coefficient of kinetic friction on the horizontal surface? (b) How much work is done on the package by friction as it slides down the circular arc from $A$ to $B$?

Donald A.

Donald A.

Numerade Educator

Problem 58

A truck with mass $m$ has a brake failure while going down an icy mountain road of constant downward slope angle $\alpha$ ($\textbf{Fig. P7.58}$). Initially the truck is moving downhill at speed $v_0$. After careening downhill a distance $L$ with negligible friction, the truck driver steers the runaway vehicle onto a runaway truck ramp of constant upward slope angle $\beta$. The truck ramp has a soft sand surface for which the coefficient of rolling friction is $\mu_r$. What is the distance that the truck moves up the ramp before coming to a halt? Solve by energy methods.

Cody J.

Cody J.

Vanderbilt University

Problem 59

A certain spring found not to obey Hooke's law exerts a restoring force $Fx(x) = -ax - \beta x^2$ if it is stretched or compressed, where $\alpha$ = 60.0 N/m and $\beta$ = 18.0 N/m2. The mass of the spring is negligible. (a) Calculate the potential-energy function U($x$) for this spring. Let $U = 0$ when $x = 0$. (b) An object with mass 0.900 kg on a frictionless, horizontal surface is attached to this spring, pulled a distance 1.00 m to the right (the $+x$-direction) to stretch the spring, and released. What is the speed of the object when it is 0.50 m to the right of the $x = 0$
equilibrium position?

Ben N.

Problem 60

A sled with rider having a combined mass of 125 kg travels over a perfectly smooth icy hill ($\textbf{Fig. P7.60}$). How far does the sled land from the foot of the cliff?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 61

A conservative force $\overrightarrow{F}$ is in the $+x$-direction and has magnitude $F(x) = a/(x + x_0)^2$, where $\alpha = 0.800$ N $\cdot$ m$^2$ and $x_0 = 0.200$ m. (a) What is the potential-energy function $U(x)$ for this force? Let $U(x) \rightarrow 0$ as $x \rightarrow \infty$. (b) An object with mass $m = 0.500$ kg is released from rest at $x = 0$ and moves in the $+x$-direction. If $\overrightarrow{F}$
is the only force acting on the object, what is the object's speed when it reaches $x = 0.400$ m?

Ben N.

Problem 62

A 3.00-kg block is connected to two ideal horizontal springs having force constants $k_1 = 25.0$ N/cm and $k_2 = 20.0$ N/cm ($\textbf{Fig. P7.62}$). The system is initially in equilibrium on a horizontal, frictionless surface. The block is now pushed 15.0 cm to the right and released from rest. (a) What is the maximum speed of the block? Where in the motion does the maximum speed occur? (b) What is the maximum compression of spring 1?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 63

A 0.150-kg block of ice is placed against a horizontal, compressed spring mounted on a horizontal tabletop that is 1.20 m above the floor. The spring has force constant 1900 N/m and is initially compressed 0.045 m. The mass of the spring is negligible. The spring is released, and the block slides along the table, goes off the edge, and travels to the floor. If there is negligible friction between the block of ice and the tabletop, what is the speed of the block of ice when it reaches the floor?

Ben N.

Problem 64

If a fish is attached to a vertical spring and slowly lowered to its equilibrium position, it is found to stretch the spring by an amount $d$. If the same fish is attached to the end of the unstretched spring and then allowed to fall from rest, through what maximum distance does it stretch the spring? ($Hint$: Calculate the force constant of the spring in terms of the distance $d$ and the mass $m$ of the fish.)

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 65

You are an industrial engineer with a shipping company. As part of the package-handling system, a small box with mass 1.60 kg is placed against a light spring that is compressed 0.280 m. The spring has force constant $k = 45.0$ N/m. The spring and box are released from rest, and the box travels along a horizontal surface for which the coefficient of kinetic friction with the box is $\mu_k = 0.300$. When the box has traveled 0.280 m and the spring has reached its equilibrium length, the box loses contact with the spring. (a) What is the speed of the box at the instant when it leaves the spring? (b) What is the maximum speed of the box during its motion?

Ben N.

Problem 66

A basket of negligible weight hangs from a vertical spring scale of force constant 1500 N/m. (a) If you suddenly put a 3.0-kg adobe brick in the basket, find the maximum distance that the spring will stretch. (b) If, instead, you release the brick from 1.0 m above the basket, by how much will the spring stretch at its maximum elongation?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 67

A 3.00-kg fish is attached to the lower end of a vertical spring that has negligible mass and force constant 900 N/m. The spring initially is neither stretched nor compressed. The fish is released from rest. (a) What is its speed after it has descended 0.0500 m from its initial position? (b) What is the maximum speed of the fish as it descends?

Ben N.

Problem 68

You are designing an amusement park ride. A cart with two riders moves horizontally with speed $v = 6.00$ m/s. You assume that the total mass of cart plus riders is 300 kg. The cart hits a light spring that is attached to a wall, momentarily comes to rest as the spring is compressed, and then regains speed as it moves back in the opposite direction. For the ride to be thrilling but safe, the maximum acceleration of the cart during this motion should be 3.00$g$. Ignore friction. What is (a) the required force
constant of the spring, (b) the maximum distance the spring will be compressed?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 69

A 0.500-kg block, attached to a spring with length 0.60 m and force constant 40.0 N/m, is at rest with the back of the block at point $A$ on a frictionless, horizontal air table ($\textbf{Fig. P7.69}$). The mass of the spring is negligible. You move the block to the right along the surface by pulling with a constant 20.0-N horizontal force. (a) What is the block's speed when the back of the block reaches point $B$, which is 0.25 m to the right of point $A$? (b) When the back of the block reaches point $B$, you let go of the block. In the subsequent motion, how close does the block get to the wall where the left end of the spring is attached?

Ben N.

Problem 70

A small block with mass 0.0400 kg slides in a vertical circle of radius $R =$ 0.500 m on the inside of a circular track. During one of the revolutions of the block, when the block is at the bottom of its path, point $A$, the normal force exerted on the block by the track has magnitude 3.95 N. In this same revolution, when the block reaches the top of its path, point $B$, the normal force exerted on the block has magnitude 0.680 N. How much work is done on the block by friction during the motion of the block from point $A$ to point $B$?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 71

A small block with mass 0.0500 kg slides in a vertical circle of radius $R =$ 0.800 m on the inside of a circular track. There is no friction between the track and the block. At the bottom of the block's path, the normal force the track exerts on the block has magnitude 3.40 N. What is the magnitude of the normal force that the track exerts on the block when it is at the top of its path?

Ben N.

Problem 72

A small rock with mass 0.12 kg is fastened to a massless string with length 0.80 m to form a pendulum. The pendulum is swinging so as to make a maximum angle of 45$^\circ$ with the vertical. Air resistance is negligible. (a) What is the speed of the rock when the string passes through the vertical position? What is the tension in the string (b) when it makes an angle of 45$^\circ$ with the vertical, (c) as it passes through the vertical?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 73

A wooden block with mass 1.50 kg is placed against a compressed spring at the bottom of an incline of slope 30.0$^\circ$ (point $A$). When the spring is released, it projects the block up the incline. At point $B$, a distance of 6.00 m up the incline from A, the block is moving up the incline at 7.00 m/s and is no longer in contact with the spring. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the incline is $\mu_k =$ 0.50. The mass of the spring is negligible. Calculate the amount of potential energy that was initially stored in the spring.

Ben N.

Problem 74

A small object with mass $m =$ 0.0900 kg moves along the $+x$-axis. The only force on the object is a conservative force that has the potential-energy function $U(x) = -ax^2 + bx^3$, where $\alpha =$ 2.00 J/m$^2$ and $\beta =$ 0.300 J/m$^3$. The object is released from rest at small $x$. When the object is at $x =$ 4.00 m, what are its (a) speed and (b) acceleration (magnitude and direction)? (c) What is the maximum value of $x$ reached by the object during its motion?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 75

A cutting tool under microprocessor control has several forces acting on it. One force is $\overrightarrow{F}$ $= - \alpha xy^2 \hat\jmath$, a force in the negative $y$-direction whose magnitude depends on the position of the tool. For $a =$ 2.50 N/m$^3$, consider the displacement of the tool from the origin to the point ($x =$ 3.00 m, $y =$ 3.00 m). (a) Calculate the work done on the tool by $\overrightarrow{F}$ if this displacement is along the straight line $y = x$ that connects these two points. (b) Calculate the work done on the tool by $\overrightarrow{F}$ if the tool is first moved out along the $x$-axis to the point ($x =$ 3.00 m, $y =$ 0) and then moved parallel to the y-axis to the point ($x =$ 3.00 m, $y =$ 3.00 m). (c) Compare the work done by $\overrightarrow{F}$ along these two paths. Is $\overrightarrow{F}$ conservative or nonconservative? Explain.

Ben N.

Problem 76

A particle moves along the $x$-axis while acted on by a single conservative force parallel to the $x$-axis. The force corresponds to the potential-energy function graphed in $\textbf{Fig. P7.76}$. The particle is released from rest at point $A$. (a) What is the direction of the force on the particle when it is at point $A$? (b) At point $B$? (c) At what value of $x$ is the kinetic energy of the particle a maximum? (d) What is the force on the particle when it is at point $C$? (e) What is the largest value of $x$ reached by the particle during its motion? (f) What value or values of $x$ correspond to points of stable equilibrium? (g) Of unstable equilibrium?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 77

You are designing a pendulum for a science museum. The pendulum is made by attaching a brass sphere with mass $m$ to the lower end of a long, light metal wire of (unknown) length $L$. A device near the top of the wire measures the tension in the wire and transmits that information to your laptop computer. When the wire is vertical and the sphere is at rest, the sphere's center is 0.800 m above the floor and the tension in the wire is 265 N. Keeping the wire taut, you then pull the sphere to one side (using a ladder if necessary) and gently release it. You record the height $h$ of the center of the sphere above the floor at the point where the sphere is released and the tension $T$ in the wire as the sphere swings through its lowest point. You collect your results:

Assume that the sphere can be treated as a point mass, ignore the mass of the wire, and assume that mechanical energy is conserved through each measurement. (a) Plot $T$ versus $h$, and use this graph to calculate $L$. (b) If the breaking strength of the wire is 822 N, from what maximum height $h$ can the sphere be released if the tension in the wire is not to exceed half the breaking strength? (c) The pendulum is swinging when you leave at the end of the day. You lock the museum doors, and no one enters the building until you return the next morning. You find that the sphere is hanging at rest. Using energy considerations, how can you explain this behavior?

Ben N.

Problem 78

A long ramp made of cast iron is sloped at a constant angle $\theta =$ 52.0$^\circ$ above the horizontal. Small blocks, each with mass 0.42 kg but made of different materials, are released from rest at a vertical height $h$ above the bottom of the ramp. In each case the coefficient of static friction is small enough that the blocks start to slide down the ramp as soon as they are released. You are asked to find $h$ so that each block will have a speed of 4.00 m/s when it reaches the bottom of the ramp. You are given these coefficients of sliding (kinetic) friction for different pairs of materials:

(a) Use work and energy considerations to find the required value of $h$ if the block is made from (i) cast iron; (ii) copper; (iii) zinc. (b) What is the required value of $h$ for the copper block if its mass is doubled to 0.84 kg? (c) For a given block, if $\theta$ is increased while $h$ is kept the same, does the speed $v$ of the block at the bottom of the ramp increase, decrease, or stay the same?


Everardo O.

Numerade Educator

Problem 79

A single conservative force $F(x)$ acts on a small sphere of mass $m$ while the sphere moves along the $x$-axis. You release the sphere from rest at $x = -1.50$ m. As the sphere moves, you measure its velocity as a function of position. You use the velocity data to calculate the kinetic energy $K$; $\textbf{Fig. P7.79}$ shows
your data. (a) Let $U(x)$ be the potential-energy function for $F(x)$. Is $U(x)$ symmetric about $x =$ 0? [If so, then $U(x) = U(-x)$.] (b) If you set $U =$ 0 at $x =$ 0, what is the value of $U$ at $x = -1.50$ m? (c) Sketch $U(x)$. (d) At what values of $x$ (if any) is $F = 0$? (e) For what range of values of $x$ between $x = -1.50$ m and $x = +1.50$ m is $F$ positive? Negative? (f) If you release the sphere from rest at $x = -1.30$ m, what is the largest value of $x$ that it reaches during
its motion? The largest value of kinetic energy that it has during its motion?

Ben N.

Problem 80

A proton with mass $m$ moves in one dimension. The potential-energy function is $U(x) = (\alpha/x^2) - (\beta/x)$, where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are positive constants. The proton is released from rest at $x_0$ = $\alpha$/$\beta$. (a) Show that $U(x)$ can be written as

$$U(x) = \frac{\alpha}{x^2_0}\ \Big[ \Big( \frac{x_0}{x}\ \Big)^2 - \frac{x_0}{x}\ \Big] $$

Graph $U(x)$. Calculate $U(x_0)$ and thereby locate the point $x_0$ on the graph. (b) Calculate $v(x)$, the speed of the proton as a function of position. Graph $v(x)$ and give a qualitative description of the motion. (c) For what value of $x$ is the speed of the proton a maximum? What is the value of that maximum speed? (d) What is the force on the proton at the point in part (c)? (e) Let the proton be released instead at $x_1 = 3\alpha / \beta$. Locate the point $x_1$ on the graph of $U(x)$. Calculate $v(x)$ and give a qualitative description of the motion. (f) For each release point ($x = x_0$ and $x = x_1$), what are the maximum and minimum values of $x$ reached during the motion?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 81

During the calibration process, the cantilever is observed to deflect by 0.10 nm when a force of 3.0 pN is applied to it. What deflection of the cantilever would correspond to a force of 6.0 pN? (a) 0.07 nm; (b) 0.14 nm; (c) 0.20 nm; (d) 0.40 nm.

Ben N.

Problem 82

A segment of DNA is put in place and stretched. $\textbf{Figure P7.82}$ shows a graph of the force exerted on the DNA as a function of the displacement of the stage. Based on this graph, which statement is the best interpretation of the DNA's behavior over this range of displacements? The DNA (a) does not follow Hooke's law, because its force constant increases as the force on it increases; (b) follows Hooke's law and has a force constant of about 0.1 pN/nm; (c) follows Hooke's law and has a force constant of about 10 pN/nm; (d) does not follow Hooke's law, because its force constant decreases as the force on it increases.

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

Problem 83

Based on Fig. P7.82, how much elastic potential energy is stored in the DNA when it is stretched 50 nm? (a) $2.5 \times 10^{-19}$ J; (b) $1.2 \times 10^{-19}$ J; (c) $5.0 \times 10^{-12}$ J; (d) $2.5 \times 10^{-12}$ J.

Ben N.

Problem 84

The stage moves at a constant speed while stretching the DNA. Which of the graphs in $\textbf{Fig. P7.84}$ best represents the power supplied to the stage versus time?

Stephen P.

Stephen P.

University of California, Irvine

"As the Car Rolls From Point a to Point B, How Much Work Is Done by Friction?"

Source: https://www.numerade.com/books/chapter/potential-energy-and-energy-conservation/

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