How to Draw Black and White Manga

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Changing the line thickness and pen pressure can give the same illustration a different feel.
Tools that you're not used to using may feel difficult to use, but just keep practicing until you get used to them.

Dip Pen

In general, dip pens and black ink are used for drawing manga lines. Light black and other colors are not used.
In addition, a variety of tools are used depending on the situation, such as brush pens for filling in large areas and glossy finishes, technical drawing pens for frame lines and backgrounds, and so on.

Manga ink, Indian ink, plotting ink, and other types are used. Choose the ink with the drying speed and density that suits you.

Choosing Nibs

Different types of nibs can change the atmosphere of your illustrations.
When drawing manga, G pens are often used for the main lines of characters and contour lines, while mapping pens are often used for hair and backgrounds, but there is no clear rule. Some artists use just a single type of nib.
Besides the various types, the hardness and feel varies by manufacturer as well.

- G-pen

The pressure applied when drawing can determine whether lines are thick or thin, but getting used to the pen is essential for getting the most out of it.

- Mapping Pen

Because you can draw fine lines with different degrees of intensity, this type of pen is perfect for hair and eyes. Many artists use mapping (maru) pens when drawing girls' manga.

☆These nibs can draw finer lines than a G pen and thicker lines than a mapping pen.

- School Pen

Can draw lines with a uniform thickness.

- Spoon Pen

The nib is harder than that of a G pen, and it can draw lines with a uniform thickness.

Choose the right nib holder for the nib. There are general nib holders that can hold anything, as well as nib holders specially made for mapping pens.
For dip pens, wipe them from time to time to keep the ink from getting clogged, and replace them if it becomes hard to draw with them.


Various Tools

Drawing Pen

Drawing pens are pens that allow you to draw uniform lines in increments of millimeters.
Manga frame lines often use a thickness of 0.5 to 0.8 mm. There are also tools such as ruling pens and Rotrings, but in recent years, many people have been using these types of drawing pens and markers.

When drawing lines with a ruler, choose a ruler with an ink guard or flip it over when using it to avoid smearing the ink. You can also attach two one-yen coins to the rear to lift it off the paper.

Drawing Pen
The pens are available in a variety of line thicknesses (size in millimeters). The thinnest is 0.03 mm.

Brush Pen

For filling in large areas and adding a glossy finish to black hair, you can insert your pen directly into ink or use a brush pen.
Different types of nibs can change the drawing sensation.
(Brush pens in the photo from top to bottom: Brush-type, sponge-type, plastic-type)

When painting an area black, draw over it several times to prevent light areas resulting from uneven application.

Correct Using White Ink

White ink is used for removing ink that goes outside the frame and fixing errors. It can also be used to add highlighting.
Some white ink can be drawn over after it dries while some cannot, so be careful.

In addition to ink-types that use brushes or nibs, you can also use pen-type correction fluid and ball-point pens with white ink.

White Ink
There's white for use in manga, correction fluid, poster-color white, and other varieties. Some types are applied to dip pens, and others come in the shape of pens.

How to Draw Black and White Manga


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