Websites to Make Pictures Into Drawings

Toni is currently a MA student in the field of HCI. She has written for several content marketing agencies as a ghost-writer from 2013–16.

4 Ways to Repurpose Blog Content for Driving Traffic

Using your old content to get more social media attention may seem like a spammy tactic. However, this is an excellent way to bring attention to your favorite posts from any of your newly acquired followers and can save you a ton of time.

You must build content which can be shared and reshared if you want to have a more significant reach and improve reader engagement. There are many strategic ways to re-utilize that old content and get your audience engaged. Let's take a look at these content sharing strategies you can use right now.

Digital marketing is becoming increasingly important. Marketing your content effectively repurposing high-quality evergreen content in such a way that new visitors can have easy access. Through this recycling, you can also better tailor your content.

Digital marketing is becoming increasingly important. Marketing your content effectively repurposing high-quality evergreen content in such a way that new visitors can have easy access. Through this recycling, you can also better tailor your content.

1. Give Old Posts a New Look

Take a look at your old posts which generated the most organic traffic. You should aim whenever possible to make your posts as evergreen as you possibly can, thereby ensuring your content will always be relevant to your audience, even if it's read years later. Look over all of your most popular evergreen posts with a fresh eye. Update it where necessary, add new content where you see fit, refresh images, fix any links that are broken, and check over your grammar.

It's going to take you less time and energy to refresh your older and more well-received content than it would be to generate fresh content altogether. So which of your posts gained the most popularity? Make a checklist of all your best evergreen content and start updating. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what a simple refresh can do for your traffic stats.

2. Repackage Your Content Into a Theme That Provides Value to the Reader

It can be discouraging when people often share your content but it isn't getting as much attention as you hoped. By working on repackaging your older content, you'll be more likely to reach that spot where your followers will both read and share your content.

Repackaging your content involves reframing content that you've already written. Package your content in a way that it aims at a new focus. You could get a few of your content pieces together and do a "best of" or something similar. By aggregating your older posts based on a theme, you can give your readers more value. For instance, a recipe blog could focus on "high-protein, low-carb recipes," which would result in followers looking through more of the recipes and readers becoming more engaged with the posted content.

Besides reconceptualizing your site content into a new blog post, you can visually repackage your information in an alternative way. You can rework your old material into engaging infographics, videos, and slideshows. Utilizing various media types will make your site more appealing to your followers, and it increases your chances of creating a viral post. In the eyes of search engines like Google, this gives you more authority as you build your site brand and style.

Your audience will vary in how they like to get information. By offering different content styles, you'll appeal to multiple preferences, which makes your content more accessible to everyone. Information accessibility is so important when it comes to site engagement.

Posts that combine and repackage your other content into something useful is a great way to encourage your followers to read your content and stay on your page longer. You'll get your audience to click through more of your posts and engage with your content in a way that is new and interesting to them.

What makes content marketing different from simple content is that content marketing must do something for the business. It must inform, engage, or amuse with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

— Joe Pulizzi

In his book, Pulizzi (2013) discusses the importance of crafting and tailoring content that is custom to your audience. By repackaging content, you can give your content a theme that your prospective audience will be attracted to sufficiently enough to drive action.

3. Reshare Old Posts to Reach Any Newly Acquired Followers

If you're worried that resharing your earlier posts may seem spammy or that it will annoy your audience, then think again. Most of your posts aren't reaching the eyes of all of your audience. You can imagine that it's easy for your posts to get lost in a long feed of information. Resharing is a way to get your eye-catching social media posts to more of your audience.

Even so, depending on your post and the particular reader, that reader may enjoy seeing your post again and like it enough to share and spread the word. Making sure to vary how you share your older posts on your social media accounts allows you to appeal to different sets of your audience. Find out how to highlight your old content in various ways to appeal to different perspectives. Be creative and think about who your readers are and what they're seeking. By testing different post headlines, you'll see what kind of information grabs your audience's attention. You can use this in the future to promote appropriately in the direction of the interest of your followers.

You can post the best content with the most eye-catching headline, but if you're posting at the wrong time, none of that matters. You need to post during times that have optimal audience engagement.

Read More From Toughnickel

By automating your evergreen content resharing, you'll save a ton of time which can be used to interact with your followers. You'll be able to post at the times your readers are most likely to be engaged with your content and at times that you'll have the widest reach. Spacing out your post updates throughout the day at these optimal times allows you to reach more of your audience. Each site is going to differ when it comes to optimal posting times. Yet there are tons of search engine statistics that come out every year, indicating when users are most likely to engage with your content and share your content and when they're most active online.

Boosting Traffic to Your Website With Your Evergeen Content

In the social media world, it can get pretty noisy. Your followers are constantly bombarded with tons of information when scrolling through their feeds. You need to incorporate the resharing of the content of your old posts as an essential part of your content marketing strategy. You'll ensure great content doesn't get completely lost in the mix. With appropriate resharing techniques, generating new content, and interacting with your audience when they're most active, you'll get more traffic, engagement, and improve your overall SEO.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Toni (author) on February 02, 2019:

Welcome Tess! Thanks for your kind words.

Tess from Hawaii on January 28, 2019:

Thank you for this. It's very helpful.

Toni (author) on January 28, 2019:

Thank you Chloe! So happy to hear you found it useful.

Chloe Evans from Florida on January 26, 2019:

Insightful and very detailed. Thanks for a nice article

Toni (author) on January 22, 2019:

Thanks Avijit! And very true Jack! In fact, these tips won't be very fruitful if you don't have high-quality evergreen content to begin with!

Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on January 22, 2019:

Very good suggestions but the best way to increase traffic is great content.

Avijit Roy Chowdhury from India on January 21, 2019:


Websites to Make Pictures Into Drawings


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